


Semiconductors form the foundation of modern technology, enhancing our lives, boosting productivity, and driving economic growth. Semiconductors are the unsung heroes powering our world, from the gadgets in our homes to the labs researching cures for deadly diseases. They form the backbone of modern technology, enabling the operation of billions of devices globally. Without semiconductors, much of today’s technology simply wouldn’t function.

Semiconductors Are Everywhere

The average adult spends over 12 hours a day using electronic devices like computers, phones, TVs, refrigerators, washers, dryers, cars etc. These devices, all powered by semiconductors, enhance our lives, boost productivity, and drive economic growth.

Smart Energy

  • A/C temperature sensors
  • Efficient logistics systems
  • LED light bulbs
  • Monitoring systems
  • Security devices
  • Smart home systems
  • Solar panels


  • Computers/laptops
  • XPUs
  • Diodes
  • Microcontrollers
  • RF transmitters
  • Wireless HD video


  • ATMs
  • Smoke detectors
  • Internet
  • Refrigerators
  • Coffee makers
  • Video games
  • Washing machines


  • Blood-pressure sensors
  • Hearing aids
  • MRIs
  • Pacemakers
  • Ultrasound modules
  • Wireless patient monitors


  • Advanced driver-assistance systems
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • Mapping/sensing
  • Navigation systems


  • Digital cameras
  • Radios
  • Scanners
  • Smartphones
  • Televisions
  • Watches/clocks

For more than 30 years, Diotec is Your Specialist for Diodes and Rectifiers. Diotec is one of the market leaders in this field, offering one of the widest ranges of products and fastest delivery time

Product Line Includes:Standard rectifiers, Fast switching rectifiers, Ultrafast switching rectifiers, Superfast switching rectifiers, Schottky Barrier Diode, Zener diodes, Transient Voltage Suppressor diodes, Current limiting diode, Small Signal Diodes, Bridge rectifiers, single phase, Bridge rectifiers, three phase, High voltage rectifiers, Arrays, Bipolar Transistors, Field Effect Transistors, Diacs.

Panjit Founded in 1986, Panjit International has continued to expand it’s product portfolio and manufacturing capabilities. Through the years greater and greater emphasis on quality has earned quality and environmental certifications as well as numerous supplier quality awards.

Panjit Semiconductor mainly manufactures diodes, Zener Diode, Surface Mount Rectifier, Glass Passivated Rectifier Chip, Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier, Plastic Passivated Junction Rectifier, Schottky Barrier And Bridge Rectifier, Transient Volgate Suppressor, semiconductors and related products.

Potato Semi
Potato Semiconductor Corporation is a fabless IC design house which locates in San Jose, California. With our powerful leading technology in IO interface, logic cells & unique design rule, we can improve most of existing standard logic chips into higher speed ones. We design, develop and market GHz standard logic, clock buffers and crystal oscillator module ICs for high speed electronic systems as well as cell libraries for high frequency and high performance ICs.

GHz Clock Buffer, 74 Series GHz Logic, GHz Bus Switch, GHz Translator, Crystal Oscillator IC, GHz CMOS Output IP, Package Codes.

Silicon Link
Silicon Link The company was founded in 2003 when semiconductor division of Astec Power was acquired by Silicon Link. Silicon Link is the present owner of all Intellectual Property of AstecSemiconductor devices. The product line includes the following:

Voltage References, Micropower Voltage Reference, Low Dropout Voltage Regulators, Ultra Low Noise CMOS LDO Regulators, DC DC Converters, Green PWM Controllers, Current Mode PWM Controllers, Operational Amplifiers, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs), Voltage/Current Amplifiers.

With over 20 years of rectifier manufacturing experience, Rectron is widely accepted as the de-facto standard at major OEM’s in every geographic location. Rectron credits a workforce of nearly 2000 experienced and dedicated employees as the most valuable asset in ensuring that Rectron remains a world leader in quality rectifier manufacturing.Rectron manufactures bridge rectifiers, schottky rectifiers, surface mount diodes, fast recovery rectifiers, transient voltage suppressor, zener diodes, glass diodes, fast recovery diodes.

In addition to our franchise lines we actively stock and order parts from the following manufacturers: