Qualtek Electronics – Mechanical Components
Qualtek Electronics offers a vast array of fan accessories, AC receptacles, international and domestic power cords and cordsets, and EMI power line filters. The fan accessories line includes a wide selection of wire form fan guards, plastic fan guards, plastic fan filter assemblies, aluminum fan filters and fan power cords. The primary power components product line consists of inlets, outlets, multi-function assemblies and power line filters. Power cords, both domestic and international are available in a wide range of plugs, connectors, cordage and colors. A full range of products are maintained in inventory for quick, on-time deliveries.
Fan-S Division provides a complete range of AC and DC axial fans and fan accessories. The company’s fans range from 25mm-280mm and the accessories consist of guards, air filters, fan cords and noise reduction vibration sleeves.
Primary Power Components Division provides a complete range of low cost, highly reliable AC receptacles, circuit breakers, EMI power line filters, power cords and power supplies that are certified worldwide.
Wire Management, Cable Assemblies and Interconnect Division provides a complete range of cable assemblies, cable ties & accessories and heat shrink products that can fit any customers wire and cable requirements.