

Small transformers are commonly used in electronic devices like televisions, computers, and sound systems to provide various voltage levels. Signal’s PC low power transformers are designed to operate between 50 Hz and 500 Hz without any degradation in output voltage. The PC series offers over 50 standard configurations and can be easily modified.

Pulse transformers are small, PCB-mounted transformers used in electronic devices to generate pulses of fixed amplitude. They isolate a digital load circuit and supply constant amplitude pulses.

Audio transformers are classified by their operating frequency range, typically from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. These small utility transformers, with laminated E-I cores similar to 60-Hz utility transformers, can be step-up or step-down. They are mainly used for impedance matching and are designed to offer almost zero reactance. Audio transformers can have multiple primary and secondary coils, which may be separated or center-tapped.

IF transformers are used for tuning intermediate frequency signals and are generally shielded with a high-permeability ferrite core.

RF transformers, used at radio frequencies, can be wire-wound like utility transformers or transmission line transformers. The most common type has a toroidal powdered-iron core. Air-core RF transformers are used for high-power applications, offering high energy efficiency despite significant EMI. These broadband transformers operate from 3 MHz to 30 MHz. At higher frequencies, transmission line transformers, such as quarter-wave antennas, are used and may be parallel-wire lines or coaxial cables.

Power transformers reduce line voltage in the 60-Hz utility line and come in various sizes, shapes, and winding ratios. They can range from the size of a room to as small as a Rubik’s cube, depending on their application, from generating plants and high-tension power lines to electrical appliances. Power transformers convert AC voltages (usually stepping down) from the power supply line to electrical circuits or from one part of the power supply line to another. They are characterized by the maximum voltage and current capacity of the secondary coil.

Auto transformers have primary and secondary windings on a common coil, with both windings in the same direction. The voltage is varied by changing the position of the secondary tapping.

Offering our customers the deepest inventory and most informed sales force in the electronics industry. Whether it is standard transformers or custom designed transformers, we have everything you need to be up to date with the most cutting-edge in transformer technologies.

ETAL Group is a leading supplier of inductive components for the telecom, power technology, automotive and defense industries. The Group develops and manufactures qualified electronic transformers and inductors to a world-wide market. ETAL Group design center is located in Linköping, Sweden, some 200 km south of Stockholm.

  • Their product line includes: Signal Transformers, Common Mode Chokes, LAN &xDSL Modules, Power Transformers and Inductors, Power Filter Inductors, PlanTransformers, Inductors and Modules, Can Bus Chokes and Standard Products.

Tamura is a world-class manufacturer of high quality electronic components for global markets Tamura has proven financial strength, innovation and ability to grow for more than 80 years. Tamura’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Asia, Europe and Mexico support leading edge technologies for the future’s high demand applications.

  • Tamura offers a wide range of transformers including the following items:
    DC:DC Power Module, Current Sensor Products, Linear Power Transformers
    AC / DC Switching Supplies, Large Industrial Transformers, Switch Mode Power Transformers, Telecom Transformers

In addition to our franchise lines we actively stock and order parts from the following manufacturers: